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27 May 2020

Designing Your Kubernetes DNS EcoSystem

My Name is Gabriel Ferreira, I’m Senior Principal Engineer at DeliveryHero, and today I would like to share my experience with working with the most critical and “trick” component on k8s clusters, the DNS ecosystem.

by | Berlin

19 Feb 2020

What, How and Why to Load Test

In the world of test-driven development, load testing is often overlooked. Here we would like to make a case to give load testing the attention it deserves and provide some useful tips based on our experience in Delivery Hero Engineering.

by | Berlin

30 Oct 2019

Inviting Security to the Party – Part I

In the last year, our Restaurant Partner Solutions (RPS) vertical faced a massive cultural change when our containers orchestration migrated from ECS to EKS. Currently, YAML+terraform is the language spoken in our tribe. Before that, we used to speak JSON+cloudformation and it would take roughly one week to create a new service. Since our migration to EKS, we are able to create the service in a matter of hours and our developers are more empowered as we promote the “you build it, you run it” ethos.

by | Berlin

21 Jun 2019

Kubernetes at DH: A journey from YAML headaches to Helm bliss

You must have been living under a rock if you haven’t heard the Kubernetes (k8s) hype over the last few years. It has quickly become the platform of choice for running applications for many modern tech companies and Delivery Hero is one of them. What is unique about DH, is that some of our tech teams are very isolated, sometimes even on different continents, speaking different languages, with different applications trying to solve different problems.

by | Berlin

25 Apr 2019

Dynamically overscaling a Kubernetes cluster with cluster-autoscaler and Pod Priority

My name is Miguel Angel Mingorance Fernandez and I’m a Systems Engineer at Delivery Hero, working to ensure high availability in our foodora/foodpanda platform and providing solutions to improve the performance, capacity and resilience of our infrastructure.

Kubernetes is a very flexible system but not perfect. When it comes to cluster scaling, the delays in spinning up new nodes can create latency in dealing with the increase of requests that triggered the scaling, causing a negative feedback because we can’t handle the traffic quickly enough.

by | Berlin

18 Feb 2019

Running kubernetes production environments over AWS Spot Instances

My name is Gabriel Ferreira and I’m working as Senior Principal Systems Engineer at Delivery Hero, leading the Global Logistics Infrastructure Team. In the midst of a cost-cutting project, we asked ourselves: why not run our kubernetes nodes over AWS Spot Instances? Since spots instances are 70% cheaper than on-demand, it would definitely save us some money.

by | Berlin